Wednesday, February 6, 2013

One Day at a Time

My name is Sandy and I am an addict.  A Diet Coke-head.   A recovering Diet Coke addict. 

On Monday, January 21, 2013 at 6:45am, I awakened to find one Diet Coke in my refrigerator.  Panic and fear struck instantly.  I forgot to purchase yet another 20-pack the previous day.  I needed two each morning, one to wake up and another on the drive to work. I would need to stop at 7/11 and get a Big Gulp.  That struck me as wrong thinking.  Still, I searched frantically in the trunk of my car.  I needed my fix.  Maybe one had fallen out of the box that I desperately busted open last week?  No such luck.  Wait.  This is not normal.  This is out of control.  This is insanity.  My dependency had suddenly become overwhelmingly obvious. 

For years, I kept packs in the trunk of my car.  I stuffed cans in bags and purses so I would never be without.  I could somewhat control and enjoy my drinking during the week, but I chain-drank on the weekends.  I  even switched to Coke Zero thinking the chemicals would be less harmful.  I kept liters of caffeine-free Diet Coke for the evenings.  I knew it was bad for me, that I needed to quit.  But I didn't want to.  I have a healthy diet, I exercise on a regular basis.  If Diet Coke is the worst thing I do, then so be it.

The “stupid dumb ass head cold” that started over the winter holidays had resumed with a vengeance.  I wasn’t feeling well anyway, so, I relented.  It was probably a good time to quit this Diet Coke habit, at least for today.  I made it through Day 1 no problem, then Day 2.  I slept hard. Then the familiar lethargy of Day 3 set in, just as it had during my previous attempt.  September 9, 2011 and Day 3 was hitting hard.  My head hurt.  I was exhausted and not feeling well at all.  I was obsessed with the three cans of Diet Coke calling my name on the lunch room counter at work.  Why were they teasing me?  Suddenly the lights went out and all power failed.  Dubbed the “Southwest Blackout,” it soon became clear we were in it for the long haul.  That was all the excuse I needed.  I gave myself permission.  I desperately inhaled two Diet Cokes and was immediately brought me back to life!  I felt “normal” again! Wow!  I did a Superman quick change, laced up my running shoes and flew out the door for a five mile run along the Embarcadero.  I did not beat myself up for relapsing on Day 3.  Heck, I suddenly felt great!  Obviously, I needed my Diet Coke. 

Back to now.  A few days into my second attempt, I suddenly realized my joints no longer ached!  The pain had suddenly vanished!  The ever-increasing pain that I chalked up to being a 51 year old runner with knee surgery in 2009.  My entire “bad” leg increasingly ached, when I drove my car, the first mile of a run, when I walked, sat, stood, in other words, all day long.  I had an awkwardly stiff and painful Frankenstein shuffle each morning when I got out of bed.  The pain was becoming debilitating.  I switched from acetaminophen to ibuprofen, but it didn't help.  I constantly had worst case scenarios in my head.  And so it came as a complete surprise and relief to notice within a few days of quitting Diet Coke, I had no more pain!  That has been my biggest inspiration of all.  I have no doubt there is a definite correlation between aspartame and joint pain.  There is no other explanation.

The worst part of withdrawal has been the crushing headaches.  Falling asleep early each night and awakening tired in the morning.  On the weekends I slept a ridiculous amount of hours, and still I felt horrible.  Day 12 I fell asleep before 11:00pm and awoke at 12:11pm the following day.  What on earth?  Day 12 would prove to be the worst day.  It was a beautiful day and I missed it.  I drank Acai juice, green tea, anything to “feel” better.  My head was trying to give me permission to have a Diet Coke.  I know that I can’t have just one.  Not an option.  My headache was more painful than ever.  I looked and felt awful.  I had no energy.  I was impossibly exhausted.  Nothing could stop the continuous pain in my head.  Thank God that seems to be my final detox. That night I fell asleep at 11:00pm and awoke Sunday morning 8:30am fully refreshed and excited for the day!  Amazing what a difference a day makes!  I attended early Sunday service, ran 5 miles at the beach in 70 degree sunshine, was of service to friends, prepared a dish and attended a Super Bowl party.  Stayed up and watched the repeat of the Puppy Bowl.  I did not have a single headache all day!  I went to bed extremely grateful for a wonderful day.  It was the best I have felt in a very long time.

Day 16.  I have not had a headache in four days!  Clearly it was an unhealthy relationship.  Today my drink of choice is water.  An occasional iced green tea.  My new wake-up drink is decaf coffee with organic cane sugar. Today I have more energy and think more clearly.  Most importantly, I am pain-free. I am thrilled to be rid of my bad habit. It really does feel victorious.  Admittedly, it’s hard at first. And water is boring, let’s face it. But, for all its benefits, I gladly choose it over the poisonous effects of Diet Coke.  Just for today :)


  1. Since that was from February, how are you feeling now?
    My husband and I are pursuing healthier eating. Being a Diet Coke addict myself, it seems this is a good time to kick that habit out, too. It's as hard as your blog describes!
    I pray that you are still on the no Diet Coke wagon.

  2. This is what I am going through. I usually drink about 2-3 litres a day. I seriously had no idea how bad it was going to be to just stop drinking it. I am on day 3 and the headaches, lethargy and listlessness is debilitating! BUT I can do this! Thanks for giving me hope.
